Transmigration Through Time

This installation is part of an ecological exhibition with the imperative that it decompose over time. As an interwoven sea creature, this mandalic spirit guardian symbolizes the iinter-weaving of healthy ecosystems. Symbolically, it protects the environment, guiding its growth, decomposition and renewal. Composed of tree limbs, branches, vines, burlap, rope and twine, it hangs from a circular scaffolding of trees. Hand-dyed cotton, silk and burlap strips are the dynamic connective fibers.

Over time the colored fibers faded as intended. The symbolic guardian became more subtle, integrating with the landscape. It began to decompose into the earth and water below, feeding plants, aquatic creatures and insects. Uncertainty and ephemerality were at play here.

 Transmigration Through Time - Compose to Decompose Sculpture Exhibition - Unison Arts Center; New Paltz, NY2019-20; 18 ‘ x 16'‘ x 15'; tree limbs, rope, branches and vines, hand-dyed, organic cotton and burlap strips,  twine and aircraft cable

