We are all inherently artists. Engagement in the arts propagates richer, more grounded lives. Transformative Visual Arts, combined with Collaborative Public Art, leads to the manifestation of creative potential and fulfillment, while enriching and uplifting the community at large.

I have been actively involved in community based work for many years. This includes visual arts programs for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities in educational, community and healthcare settings. As well, it includes art in the public realm, both self created and orchestrated with diverse groups who create public works together. The synthesis of educational, therapeutic and public art endeavors propagates notable ripple effects.

Through ongoing and shorter programs, participants engage in individual and collaborative art-making, energized by cumulative, empowering processes. Featured programs include art created by youth and adults, people with illnesses and disabilities, Holocaust survivors, business people, families and others. Communal projects grow from art programs. Featured collaborative public art includes a Healing Arbor, a garden, pathways, wallpieces and murals.