
Merging with its transitional site this installation joins two sculptural fields, the Unison Sculpture Garden and the Composed to Decompose Exhibition. Upside down tree roots seek to evoke an awareness that our larger environment has become unbalanced and toxic. Here growth prevails regardless of humans’ lack of consciousness, resulting in environmental abuse.

The skyward roots of the dead trees also symbolize ascension, seeking to propagate a positive, activist community that demonstrates wisdom and responsibility in protecting its environment. Living vines entwine with the dead roots, evoking regeneration. Quietly this installation speaks of life, death, and renewal. After a year and a half it leaned to one side, gradually falling apart and feeding the ecosystem.

 Ascension - Compose to Decompose and What's Next Exhibitions - Unison Arts Center, New Paltz, NY 2018-20; 7' x5' x 6.5' Tree roots, locust/cedar base; rope


Transmigration Through Time


Lifeforce; Flowing Waters, Enduring Roots