Circle of Trees In Time

Changing over time this environment integrates living/dead trees, limbs vines with simulated stained glass tree, animal and figurative images, text about trees, symbolic pupas, wings and woven mandalas. It explores regeneration through cycles of nature, particularly the renewal of forests. It grows out of installations, ie: Roots of Ascension.

This overview, on two sides of a Sculpture Garden pathway, includes a circle of living/dead trees, figurative, animal and text stained glass components.  A central, rotating seat invites viewing in the round.

 Circle of Trees In Time - Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition: Unison Arts Center, New Paltz, NY; 2013-16; 50'  x  60 ' x 15'; Living/dead trees, bark, limbs, vines, lexan, stained glass paint, leading


Wisdom Trees: Embracing the Cycles of Life


Contemplating Immortality I