Reciprocity, Regeneration, Reemergence

Forging New Realities Together

Farmer's Bridge Installation, part of the environment, Reciprocity, Regeneration, Reemergence: Illuminated text/ image panels will fit the bridge structure, to be viewed in both directions. The regeneration panels were installed temporarily in the fall of 2022.

This public art, illuminated installation is now in process for two sides of the historical Farmer's Bridge above the Hudson Valley Rail Trail in Lloyd; Ulster County, NY. The highly trafficked trail links to Walkway over the Hudson, part of NY's Empire Rail Trail System. It is the first project of a cumulative HVRT public art series, to be fully installed by October 2024. Caring for the earth, people and wildlife through empowerment, reciprocity, resilience and collective thriving are underlying goals. Propagating collaboration reinforces the premise: the more you give the more you have. 

The installation is composed of simulated stained glass panels, painted on non-breakable lexan with special paints and leaded lines. Strong mediums and UV varnish insure outdoor longevity. Images and text are visually dynamic as the illuminated panels come alive with changing sunlight, daily and seasonally. Simultaneously, they activate and merge with their natural surroundings.

As seen in the full project design, triangular panels echo the bridge's steel structure. Their imagery symbolizes nature's processes, highlighting positive ecological and humanitarian principles. Individuals and the community are encouraged to respect each other and the environment. Collaboration towards common goals is an underlying premise to reemerge proactively during highly challenging times. The installation will be viewed above walkers and bikers, seen from both directions. They can also walk across the bridge, offering different viewing perspectives.

Read an article about the project from SOUTHERN ULSTER TIMES.


Hudson Valley Rail Trail Collaborative Community Workshops and Installation